Friday, October 31, 2008
It's amazing, but true.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Is the heat being turned up?
R. Hunter Biden
Government Relations International Trade and Business Development
Mr. Biden is a founding partner of Oldaker, Biden & Belair, LLP.
Another source says:
R. Hunter Biden is one of Senator Joe Biden's (D-DE) three children. He was a founding partner of Oldaker, Biden & Belair,
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Redistribution of the wealth, Obama 2001
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Barbara West interview with Joe Biden
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Who is ready?
Australian SAS soldier fought on
This is an amazing story I wanted to share with you. We have some brave allies and that should be recognized!
DESPITE being shot twice during an ambush in Afghanistan, an SAS soldier lashed himself to the front of his patrol vehicle so he wouldn't be left behind if he passed out from loss of blood and kept on fighting.
The Digger is expected to be recommended for a high level bravery award.Suffering from serious upper body wounds, the soldier struggled on to the front of his SAS long range patrol vehicle (LRPV) and, under heavy fire, used a rope to attach himself firmly between the vehicle's bull bar and radiator.
Once he was secured, and there was no chance that he would fall off if he fainted, he picked up his rifle and resumed firing at the enemy during a two-hour fighting withdrawal.
SAS troops and their special forces comrades from the Commando Regiment are well aware of the slow and painful death that awaits them if they are captured by the Taliban.
The Digger, who cannot be identified, faded in and out of consciousness, emptying several magazines as volleys of enemy rounds and rocket propelled grenades, rained down around him.
He was finally evacuated from the battle field at high speed still lashed to the front of the LRPV.
. . .
A source told The Courier-Mail the Digger was now "up and about" and would recover fully from his serious gunshot wounds. His heroic deeds will be recognised when he is recommended for a high level bravery award.
Here's the link to the whole story.,23599,24537160-5007133,00.html
Sarah Smile by Lloyd Marcus
Lloyd Marcus is a wonderful singer and talented artist. He grew up in the projects of East Baltimore. The tragedies he saw there as a child made him realize that Great Society projects and welfare destroy people’s lives and their communities.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The way it was, and still should be!
It hasn't been all that long ago that there was some degree of propriety in the way people dressed. That's especially true for women.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
William Ayers and a state senator, Barack Obama
Just guys in the neighborhood.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
"economic policy" = Capitalism
Friday, October 17, 2008
Here we go again.
I keep wondering why there is such a problem with Obama and the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem? Surely he knows better than pulling this type of bonehead stunt. But then again, maybe he's so confident in victory he doesn't have to try to conceal his real feelings of contempt.
Bencal, who sings the anthem for a number of school events and is actively involved in local community theatre, had been contacted by the Obama campaign to sing the anthem. He agreed to do so, then was told later in the evening the anthem had been scratched from the program. Bencal said he was told by the campaign the decision was a simple programming change to make room for another speaker.
"I guess it just wasn't meant to be," Bencal said.
Sandra Abrevaya, communications director for the Obama campaign's Manchester office, confirmed the choice had simply been a last-minute scratch from the rally's program, which included the Pledge of Allegiance.
Handicapped Man "Assited" to Vote for Obama Against His Will
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Joe "the plumber" Wurzelbacher again
HOLLAND, Ohio - Joe the Plumber said Thursday he doesn't have a license and doesn't need one. Joe Wurzelbacher, better known as Joe the Plumber, the nickname Republican John McCain bestowed on him during Wednesday's presidential debate, said he works for a small plumbing company that does residential work. Because he works for someone else, he doesn't need a license, he said.
But the county Wurzelbacher and his employer live in, Lucas County, requires plumbers to have licenses. Neither Wurzelbacher nor his employer are licensed there, said Cheryl Schimming of Lucas County Building Regulations, which handles plumber licenses in parts of the county outside Toledo.
So, Joe doesn't have a license, but does that mean he isn't a plumber? Could someone be trying to discredit Joe? I wonder what it takes to be a licensed plumber in Ohio?
To apply for a plumbing, electrical, HVAC, hydronics, or refrigeration license, you need at least five years of experience in the field. You also have to be a U.S. citizen and have never been convicted of a felony.
The Board will review your application and if you're eligible they'll send you information on the exam they require. You must have 5 years experience to qualify to take the exam. The exam has two parts -- one on business and law and the other on HVAC, electrical, plumbing, refrigeration, or hydronics. Everyone must take the business and law part.
Well, that link to the State of Ohio doesn't satisfy the local UNION.
Mr. Wurzelbacher’s notoriety has raised the ire of Tom Joseph, business manager for Local 50 of the United Association of Plumbers, Steamfitters, and Service Mechanics, who claimed that Mr. Wurzelbacher didn’t undergo any apprenticeship training.
"When you have guys going out there with no training whatsoever, it’s a little disreputable to start with," Mr. Joseph said. "We’re the real Joe the Plumber."
Mr. Joseph said Mr. Wurzelbacher could only legally work in the townships, but not in any municipality in Lucas County or elsewhere in the country.
"This individual has got no schooling, no licenses, he’s never been to a training program, union or non-union, in the United States of America," Mr. Joseph said.
The association has endorsed Barack Obama, according to Mr. Joseph.
Of course, the Ohio licensing board didn't mention anything about "apprenticeship training", did it?
"Failed economic policy"
In my memory, I don't remember the economy being an issue, until the last couple of years. Prior to that, we enjoyed a robust stock market and it even reached 14,000 last year. It has only been in the last year that some problems have become evident and they can be mainly attributed to Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and others of the same ilk. It has been the Democrat Congress that seems to have been the primary instigator of economic woes and credit problems. Problems stemming from their insistence on extremely risky loans, when they knew those people didn't have the means to repay what they borrowed.
In my opinion, this has not only been the height of stupidity, but it is an example of a "failed economic policy". So, let's put the shoe on the proper Democrat feet and see how they like wearing what they created!
It makes one wonder how that is a disfranchisement, since Ohio has the same provisional ballot that we have here in Texas. When I was an election judge, we always had provisional ballots that were for situations like people wanting to vote in the wrong precinct or presenting the wrong address. That doesn't mean they couldn't vote, it just meant it was going to be a provisional ballot, that could be checked for accuracy before it was put in the ballot box with the other votes. After all, we weren't against someone voting, but they should only get one vote, just like the rest of us!
According to Democrat Brunner, the vote should go straight into the ballot box, but there isn't any way to identify that vote, should it later prove to be fraudulent. When you have people in Cleveland being registered 72 times, and if they are allowed to vote all 72 registrations, it's a convenient way of stuffing the ballot box and that isn't what America is all about.
It's past time to prosecute voter fraud, but not just for the pawns of ACORN and the Democrat party. The organization perpetrating the fraudulent registrations and the one doing the registering should be prosecuted also.
Ohio Elections Chief Appeals Court Ruling
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Ohio's top elections chief has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene in a dispute over whether the state is required to do more to help counties verify voter eligibility. A spokesman for Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner said Thursday that an appeal has been filed with the high court. On Tuesday, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati sided with the Ohio Republican Party and ordered Brunner to set up a system that provides names of newly registered voters whose driver's license numbers or Social Security numbers don't match records in other government databases. The GOP contends the information will help prevent fraud. Brunner, a Democrat, has called the issue a veiled attempt at disenfranchising voters and that other checks exist to help determine eligibility.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Final debate
One thing I was amazed by was the claim so many make about Obama's "eloquence". I find his stammering and making noises, while he's fishing for a reply, to be less than eloquent.
I also find his basic dishonesty to be appalling. Obama said something like, Ayers and he had served on a committee together and that was about the extent of their contact. John McCain responded by reminding him of The Woods Fund that Obama and Ayers serve on together, which isn't the Chicago Annenberg Challenge committee Obama had admitted to.
Then there was Obama advoiding any continuing association with ACORN, the group that registered the same man 72 times, even though the Annenberg Commission, which Obama was chairman of, granted the Grassroots School Improvement, a group operated by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), $350,000 from 1998-2002. The Chicago ACORN Received Grants Of $45,000 (2000), $30,000 (2001), $45,000 (2001), $30,000 (2002), And $40,000 (2002) from The Woods Fund. In 2008, the Obama Presidential Campaign paid $800,000 to an ACORN subsidiary, Citizen Service, Inc., to operate “get out the vote” efforts, according to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. That sounds like a whole lot more involvement than what Obama admitted to.
Is there something about Democrats that attract this type of devious individual? I'm reminded of the Bill Clinton years and that isn't a good memory.
Redistribution of wealth?
I like the observation of the Marxist/socialist ties to this approach.
Obama's wrong values
Then there's this Howard Stern piece from January of this year, but maybe we should say something more like wrong values attributed to Obama?
Friday, October 10, 2008
The family milk cow
I was taking a couple of pictures today and thought I needed a followup on this picture from the spring of 1995. Sweet Pea and I used to take Sunday afternoon walks to help halter break her for easier handling later on.
Well, time has passed right on along and this is what Sweet Pea looks like now, at 14 years, along with her 2 month old 1/2 Limousine "Beauregard".
He'll be pushing 600 pounds by the time he's 6 months old and I figure he's pretty close to 200 pounds right now. His birthday
The economics of a family milk cow are somewhat variable. There are just the two of us now, with all the children married and with children of their own. However, the milk consumed by the calf will take a lot of milking pressure off of my wife and it still allows indirect sale of the milk. Of course, we've used filtered raw milk for a long time and have never had a problem with it. In fact, it's much better than the watered down stuff you get in the grocery store!
Years ago, when I was testing for DHIA, the average fat content allowable for "whole" milk, what we used to call 4% milk, was only 3.2%. Good Jersey milk will average 4%-5%, depending on the stage of lactation the cow is in. That's between a 25% to over 50% increase in butter fat and believe it or not, butter fat does affect the taste.
Feed prices have gone through the roof, like close to a 100% increase, mostly due to transportation cost and competition with alcohol (for mandated gasoline additive) producers. Therefore, a calf won't pay for the feed the cow consumes. That pretty well means the excess milk has to be used in other ways and/or sold.
In Texas, the sale of raw milk for human consumption is pretty well verboten. That doesn't mean it can't be sold for animal use and let the buyer use it for what he/she wants, when they get home. My wife is the "milk maid" and she does a good job of cleaning, prior to milking. The milking claw is her hands and they never drop into the manure, like they do in a milking parlor! We use stainless steel buckets and filters and cool the milk in glass containers as soon as the milking is finished. Sorta like this.
Dead people voting?
According to KPRC, Channel 2 in Houston, there have been 4,000 dead people registered and voting in Harris County. Statewide, there has been "Approximately 23,576 may have been deceased".
The March 2008 Primary was no exception. Voting records show Alexis' mom, Gloria Guidry, cast her ballot in person near her South Houston home."It was just very shocking, a little unsettling," said Alexis Guidry.It's unsettling because Gloria Guidry died of cancer 10 months before the March Primary.Dead people voting in Texas is nothing new, it happens all the time and has been going on for a long time. It's really no different than Cook County Illinois, where the Daley political machine has utilized the tactic for decades.
It's way past time to mandate picture IDs in the polling places, to help curb the practice of dead people and felons voting.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Putting the blame where it belongs
I like it!
Ayers, more than a terrorist.
Barack Obama's choices of what he supports, i.e. left wing radicals, are the issue at hand.
While it's true the John McCain kept company with communists, it wasn't just a matter living in same the neighborhood and serving on the same boards, when he was at the "Hanoi Hilton."
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Obama, the companion of terrorists? Continued
It seems there is a much deeper relationship than what the Obama campaign is willing to admit. As the chairman, Obama has demonstrated some of his "executive" experience by doling out large sums of money to Jeremiah Wright's church and a project where Ayers' wife's worked. In my part of the world, we call that nepotism, "Favoritism granted to relatives or close friends, without regard to their merit."
Monday, October 6, 2008
Obama, the companion of terrorist?
Voting for McCain/Palin video
I find a lot of this type stuff posted in places like Maybe you need to check it out and see what you can find there.
Ayers, who is that?
From Nov. 6, 1997 in the University of Chicago Chronicle,
"Ayers will be joined by Sen. Barack Obama, Senior Lecturer in the Law School, who is working to combat legislation that would put more juvenile offenders into the adult system;"
But that's not all,
"Michelle Obama, Associate Dean of Student Services and Director of the University Community Service Center, hopes bringing issues like this to campus will open a dialogue between members of the University community and the broader community.
"Students and faculty explore these issues in the classroom, but it is an internal conversation," Obama said. "We know that issues like juvenile justice impact the city of Chicago, this nation and -- directly or indirectly -- this campus. This panel gives students a chance to hear about the juvenile justice system not only on a theoretical level, but from the people who have experienced it."
To use a couple of cliches, I can't figure out if it's "guilt by association" or "birds of a feather flock together." Either way, it seems like Barack Obama has a real problem in chosing associates that exhibit any sort of normal rationality.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Who has the most experience?
Sarah Palin, just like George Bush and Bill Clinton were as governors, is currently the head of the Alaska National Guard. That may not seem like a whole lot of hands on experience, but it does mean she's been to Kuwait for a visit with her troops and it does mean she has participated in some of their weapons familiarization drills (as seen in this video).
Sarah Palin Visits the Troops in Kuwait - The most amazing home videos are here
On the other hand, Barack Obama has zero military experience. I don't even know if he has an inkling of which end of a gun to hold when firing said gun.
The same can be said for Joe Biden, about zero military experience.
Knowing there will probably be a continuing war in Afghanistan, military experience is a matter of some importance.
Out of the four, Sarah Palin is the only one with any executive experience. She has run her own business, she's been a mayor (even though it was a smaller town, it's better than nothing) and is currently the Governor of Alaska.
John McCain was an officer in the US Navy, a US Naval Academy graduate, where he attained the rank of Captain. He has attended the National War College in Fort McNair in Washington, D.C. during the 1973–1974 academic year. He was commanding officer of A-7 Corsair II training squadron located at Naval Air Station Cecil Field in Jacksonville.
During his military service, before retirement in 1981, he was awarded the following medals.
Silver Star | |
Legion of Merit with Combat V and one gold star | |
Distinguished Flying Cross | |
Bronze Star with Combat V and two gold stars | |
Purple Heart with one gold star | |
Meritorious Service Medal | |
Air Medal with one bronze star and Numeral "2" | |
Navy Commendation Medal with Combat V and one gold star | |
Combat Action Ribbon | |
Prisoner of War Medal | |
Navy Expeditionary Medal (Cuban quarantine) | |
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (Cuban quarantine) | |
National Defense Service Medal |
Barack Obama has never run anything, except parts of his anotomy and the same can be said for Joe Biden.
Now, I ask again, who has the most experience?
As an aside, John McCain, who to my knowledge I have never met, and I were in the same theater of operations off of Cuba in the 1962-1963 Cuban Missle Crisis. Our duty stations were vastly different with his being the USS Enterprise, while I was on the USS Little Rock CLG-4.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Fannie and Freddie
Sarah Palin was right about the "Surge"
A Surge by any other name
. . . McKiernan wants an increase in troops, but doesn't want it called a "surge". Since neither campaign is arguing against additional troops in Afghanistan, the argument apparently comes down to what exactly they will be doing there - or what exactly a "surge principle" is. Palin's explanation is "not the exact strategy but the surge principles that have worked in Iraq". Biden offered no additional clarification. A debate moderator could have pressed both for details, but that opportunity slipped away last night. One thing is certain - now that the issue is "politicized" we're not likely to hear General McKiernan explain which candidate is correct.
But we do have the transcript of McKiernan's press briefing. Here are his comments regarding how the additional troops would be used and additional strategies that may be adopted:
More on the article at this site.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Vets for Freedom ad "Skipped"
Media Bias
I suppose I’m getting old enough to remember too many things. I remember the 1950s very distinctly and the things going on, with the attendant activities of normal people. The 1940s aren’t too clear and some of what I know may influence what I think is really memory. In the elections of 1947, the newspapers had headlines already printed proclaiming Thomas Dewey’s victory over Harry Truman. The Chicago Tribune’s November 3, 1947 first edition is what is pictured and should stand out as a stark reminder to the media. “The headline is a cautionary tale for journalists about the dangers of being first to break a story without being certain of its accuracy.”
It isn’t quite that way today, but there is still the insistence by the media to pick winners and to try to ensure their pick is the actual winner. Quite frankly, I’m getting fed up with it! The media is supposed to be news outlets, not social engineers. They are supposed to present an unbiased account of the news, or as Joe Friday on Dragnet would have said, “Just the facts, Ma’am, just the facts.”
Instead, we are getting the active promotion of one set of candidates to almost the exclusion of the other set. We are getting reports that agree with their political position and the other side is neglected, ridiculed or lied about. As the Eddie Chiles stickers used to proclaim, “I’m mad too, Eddie!” and it stems from an out of control media!
The only alternative to the news media is the blogosphere, where the truth has to be distilled, but is available. By distilled, I mean it has to be weighed against the reputation the blog has for accuracy and truthfulness. Then it has to be checked with other blogs to see if they have the same sources and if the sources are reputable. isn’t a reliable source for anything that isn’t Democrat and neither is Daily Kos. It isn’t a whole lot different than checking on the veracity of the many emails we get that may, or may not, be urban legends.
The recent attempts to defame Sarah Palin are typical examples of lies being promulgated, with an intent to sway votes in the opposite direction. However, it isn’t just that is doing it. It’s the national news media that have also joined in and it’s to their discredit, since it certainly doesn’t fit with Joe Friday’s modus operandi.
Grave diggers are a needed vocation, but the “dirt diggers” in the media and other places are less than honorable and obscure the issues at hand in their quest for having their way.
I’m mad too, Eddie!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Elmer Keith on the Chief's Special
History of the Sixgun (original page # 45)
In addition to these fine arms, the Company has also brought out two new and very interesting undercover arms for detectives and plain clothesmen and also to be carried as secondary hidden arms by peace officers and the F.B.I. One is the little Chief’s Special with 2 inch barrel and five shots in caliber .38 Special having a weight in the steel frame of only 19 ounces, and in the aluminum alloy frame of only 10 ¾ ounces. The other is the Smith & Wesson Centennial model. This is a hammerless two inch barrel job, weighing 19 ounces in steel, and much lighter in the aluminum alloy frame but slightly heavier than the 10 ¾ ounce Chiefs Special. The little Chiefs Special has the new short action and the Centennial has an entirely new coil spring action, entirely double action. The Chiefs Special can be cocked and fired single action and is very accurate for its extremely light weight. Both arms are five-shot and both chambered for the .38 Special cartridge and while S. & W. do not advertise the fact, both guns will perfectly handle the .38/44 and other high speed ammunition in .38 Special. We recently made a test run of 500 rounds of this high speed ammunition through each of these guns with no ill effects we could detect either visually or by careful measurement of cylinders and rear ends of the barrels.
Selecting the Handgun (original page # 64)
In true pocket guns for defense use, the best we know of today are the Smith & Wesson Centennial and the Chief’s Special and the Colt Cobra. The Smith & Wesson 2 inch barrel, round butt Military and Police model may be added to this list. These are true pocket guns – all capable of handling the various high speed and super police loads in .38 Special. The smallest and lightest of the lot is, of course, the Chief’s Special with light alloy metal frame. Next come the Smith & Wesson Centennial and the Colt Cobra and lastly the detective specials in Smith & Wesson and Colt. For a true pocket gun the 2 inch barrel is about right. The safest of all pocket guns is the Centennial Smith &Wesson, but Colt also makes a hammer shroud covering the hammer of the Cobra, if desired.
Selecting the Handgun (original page # 65)
This five-shot feature of these little guns enables them to handle heavy loads because the bolt-cuts do not come over the center of a chamber as is true of all six-shot weapons. Rather, the bolt-cut, or indent, is between the charge-holes on these five-shot weapons. This feature allows full thickness of chamber metal over the cartridge case and the little guns will handle High Speed .38 Special ammunition perfectly in spite of their very light weight. Recoil, of course, is very severe from these loads in such extremely light weight guns, but the guns will take it and any man would rather have a sore hand than a slug through his middle. Another feature that adds greatly to the strength of the two little Smith & Wessons is the fact that their cylinders extend forward almost to the frame and leave very little of the rear end of the barrel projecting out of the frame unsupported. The springs are coil an almost unbreakable. They are very reliable little guns. The Chief’s Special is very accurate for aimed single action fire, while the Centennial can only be used double action. On the other hand the Chief’s Special has a hammer that can catch on the corner of a pocket or on the clothes while the Centennial is as clean as a hounds tooth.
Revolver vs Auto Pistol (original page # 194)
The revolver will function reliably in temperatures that will jam any automatic. It will also handle more mud, snow, dust or sand and keep on shooting than will any auto pistol. In either double action or single action, for men trained in its use, it is faster to get into action for the first shot than an auto. The cylinder gun is usually a bit more bulky to carry than the auto pistol, but in small guns it is nearly as compact and handy. The little Chief's Special or Centennial Smith & Wessons are lighter and more compact guns to carry in the pocket than is any comparably powerful auto pistol. These little guns will both handle .38 Special or .38/44 ammunition, and only the Super .38 compares with them in power. The clean high sights on target revolvers are much better for long range work than the low sights on nearly all automatics.
The .38/44 or Hi-Speed .38 Special load produced 1090 fps with a 158 gr lead semi-wadcutter (LSWC), according to the 1973 Gun Digest, page 307. That's considerably more than +P ammunition that's produced today. The round was developed and marketed around 1930, 5 years before the .357 Magnum was introduced.
Where are the Men?
More and more situations and incidents convince me there’s a man problem in the world today. That may be one of the biggest reasons we see almost the same conditions Isaiah was talking about in Isaiah 3:4-5, 12 (KJV) 4 "And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them." 5 "And the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbour: the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honourable. "
12 "As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths." This begs the question of where are the men, men who would prevent this from taking place?
Mankind has a long history of ignoring what God has said and as a result, there have been many problematic times. Start by asking, where was Adam when Eve was tempted/beguiled by the serpent? God created Eve as a helpmeet, not one with the primary responsibility of taking on the world and all of the pressures involved in that responsibility. Of course, it may have been a failure on Adam’s part to accurately inform Eve of what God had said. Gen 2:16 "And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: "
17 "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Have you ever noticed how most men aren’t very good communicators? This wasn’t a suggestion or just a good idea, it was a command from God to THE man (the use of the definite article means a specific man, Adam). Eve wasn’t there, so it was Adam’s responsibility to accurately relay the command, so she would know the penalty for the transgression.
Adam may have been too busy with the “business” of dressing the Garden to be bothered with his primary duty of protecting his other half (Gen 2:24 "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.") I know, no one today thinks about the significance of being one flesh, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t still valid. I’m not aware of anyone wearing clothing on their left half and being naked on their right half, especially when it’s either freezing cold or 100+ degrees outside. We, by nature, tend to protect our bodies from the ravishes of the weather, if for no other reason than the discomfort of it. A spouse is a detached half and it’s easy to be unaware of their need for protection too, especially when we’re busy with business. Yes, there are many part time widows, because business consumes the majority of the man’s time. It’s true that men are supposed to provide food and that comes at the expense of sweat and dealing with weeds, thorns and thistles, but too many are striving for much more than the needs of life. This verse tells us what the necessities of life are, 1Ti 6:7 "For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out." 8 "And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. "
Today, there’s another situation that prevents proper protection for the “weaker vessel”. When women enter the work force outside the home, they are in much the same situation as Eve. They are left depending on their own strength, even with the wiles of the serpent all around. Most, if not all, extramarital affairs happen when the spouse is absent. It happens when men aren’t home tending the garden, but it also happens when women aren’t at home being tended to. When women are in the work force, they usually have someone in a managerial position over them. That’s the same place their husband is supposed to occupy, but the women are under the influence of the manager more than they are under the influence at home. That’s not being chauvinistic, it’s just good Biblical application. Gen 3:16 "Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." “Rule over thee” is the principle that needs to be understood, especially knowing there isn’t a separate word in Hebrew or Greek for either “husband” or “wife”. In both cases, it’s either “man” or “woman” and the context determines the meaning. The one doing the “ruling” is the one her “desire” will be for. Through my ignorance, my wife worked outside the home at NASA for the first 8 months we were married, out of 42 years of being married. The warning to avoid that situation wasn’t anything I had ever heard in church and I was totally ignorant of the potential problems.
The ways of the world are not the ways of God. Isa 55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD." 9 "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." It’s time to get our thoughts under control and quit letting the world dictate what’s right and what’s wrong.
Knowing and understanding the Bible will liberate our thoughts from the chains of the world and evil. That’s one reason the longest chapter in the Bible (Psalm 119) is so repetitious about hiding God’s Word in our hearts, so we won’t sin against Him. His word is what changes our stinkin’ thinkin’ and makes our thoughts proper. 2Co 10:5 "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; " One of the biggest obstacles we have today, in getting our thoughts right, is the television. In 1975, we gave away a 25" RCA color console and haven’t seen fit to watch much television since then. We still have a television leftover from when my mother-in-law was living with us, but we haven’t turned it on since she died 5 ½ years ago. I can get all the news and information I need from the internet and I don’t have to be bombarded with commercials while I do it.
The television is an instigator of many problems. My mother was a faithful watcher of “As the World Turns”. If Penny had a bad day, it affected her day and everyone else’s day as a result. It causes even women at home to take on the cares and problems the “soaps” thrive on. The language is appalling and it’s commonly heard by the preschool children at home. You really didn’t know why women and children cuss like sailors now? It’s just what they hear day after day and they think that’s the normal manner of communicating. There’s a conspiracy between parents to have a television, so they can indulge in their favorite corrupting influence. The women have their game shows and “soaps” while the men have the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders!
While I’m on the cheerleaders, where are the men when their wife’s and daughter’s everyday dress is like something the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders would wear? 1Ti 2:9 "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;" Where are the men when their wife and daughter look more like a man than many men do? Deut 22:5 "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God." Where are the men when their wife and daughter have shorter hair than they do? 1Cor 11:14 " Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?" 15 "But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. "
I’ve only scratched the surface of the problem, but maybe it will cause some thought and a reversal of the trends for Christians. We are supposed to be light and salt, not darkness and a promoter of decay. It’s way past time to put this verse into practice. 2Co 6:17 "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, "
The Tongues of Men and Angels
Sometimes, I think we all get a little myopic and that causes a sort of tunnel vision, where we don’t see all there is to see on a particular issue. Our first inclination, on hearing the word “angel”, is to think of a supernatural being. That comes, in part, from the Greek word “aggelov” (aggelos) having been transliterated into English and never actually being translated. Sure, it’s a tradition that pre-dates the King James Version, but it would seem like someone would actually translate that word, and others, that have just been transliterated. It might save a lot of confusion in the long run.
The root meaning of aggelos is, “a messenger, envoy, one who is sent”, which can include many more concepts than just a supernatural being.
Recognizing I’m not a great scholar, and it may even be a stretch to consider myself any sort of scholar, I still comprehend the communication skills and words I use may not be the same as the average person. By that, I mean there is no gift of being a messenger (aggelos), but there are gifts that enable the messenger to do his/her job and language skills are a part of that enabling.
As an example, the other night I was reading in Isaiah 7 and part of what came home to me was the need to write. In other words, to perform as a messenger, an envoy, who is passing on that which is heard and making it understandable to the intended audience. Think of it as being a conduit or pipe that transfers something from one point to its destination, without change to the contents.
The incident in Daniel 5 may also shed some light on the concept of angels and their language. If you will remember the king saw a hand writing on the wall, that left this message, Daniel 5:25 “And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.” There was a great amount of consternation on the king’s part, so much so, that “his knees smote one against another” (that reminds me of the videos I’ve seen of the Nuremberg trials). For some reason, the astrologers, Chaldeans and soothsayers couldn’t interpret the writing, but was it because it was some angelic language or just a language they were unfamiliar with? Was the hand an angel, was Daniel an angel, was it both or neither? In Daniel 5:26 and following, Daniel gives the interpretation and I will contend right here, he’s an angel, a messenger who is giving a message by merely acting as a conduit for information. Sure the hand was also a messenger of sorts, but the message must have been unintelligible, except to those who understood Aramaic. So, it wasn’t a mysterious angelic language, only understood by supernatural beings, but a common language for the Jewish slaves and prisoners.
As I think about the various accounts of supernatural beings visiting men, I can’t remember one time there was a failure to communicate. Contrary to Heb 13:2 “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”, I have yet to remember a time where those visited were unaware of their supernatural visitors (when I refer to being visited, I mean in a form that can be seen, not the “ministering spirits”, like in Hebrews 1:14).
It is also evident that most of us have had strangers in our homes who were messengers from God, we just weren’t aware of it at the time. 3 John 5 “ Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers; 6 Which have borne witness of thy charity before the church: whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, thou shalt do well: 7 Because that for his name’s sake they went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles. 8 We therefore ought to receive such, that we might be fellowhelpers to the truth.”
In conclusion, the passage in I Corinthians 13:1 says, “ Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.” It’s like being an unclear sound as far as a message is concerned. It may sound pleasing to the ear and have a melodious quality, but the main emphasis of the passage is on charity, not your listening pleasure. Doing for others far outweighs the notoriety achieved by speaking in a language no one understands.
If I had written this in Greek and said, “Here is a message that will change your life for the better, take it and use it to the fullest.” You might think, “That’s Greek to me!” and it would never do you any good, unless there’s an interpreter available.
I’m sure there may be a language used by supernatural beings, I just don’t see any evidence of it ever being used to communicate with earthly beings.
Economic Crisis and the friends of Barack Obama
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