Meals get harder to prepare when there are only two at home, but it can still be done and my wife excels at it. Much of what we eat is still grown here, which gives us good variety and it reduces the food bill tremendously, especially when it's red or yellow bell peppers and tomatoes that are consumed (fresh asparagus could also be included).
It really doesn't take a lot of time or money to grow your own food and particularly if it's more along the specialty food line. As we advance in age, we look for easier methods to allow us to enjoy fresh food, so we have started what we call "tub gardening". The winter molasses feed for cows has provided an abundance of containers that can feed a pretty large plant and also gets it up higher to eliminate much of the stooping and bending to weed and harvest. Here's a portion of this year's garden. The tub garden is to the left of the outdoor luncheon that was prepared.

All sorts of fruits and vegetables can be grown this way, to include strawberries and blackberries.
We still have a traditional garden, but it's mostly for crops that need more production to supply our needs, like green beans and peas.

Lunch today was a combination of vegetables and leftovers that took the form of beef stew.

Of course, no meal is ever complete without some cat head biscuits.

And a cherry shortcake dessert with real whipped cream!

One of the side benefits of affordable food is the ability to share with others. A portion of this meal will go to a neighbor whose wife is in a nursing home. Home cooked meals are a premium for people in a situation like that and are always appreciated!
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